Congregational Leadership – Biographical Information


Executive Committee

PresidentFrederick Wadsworth

Biographical Information:

I have been a member of Reformation Lutheran Church since its beginning in February, 2010.  I have served as its Treasurer and been a member of the Executive Committee since that time as well.  I am now running to become President of the Congregation Council of RLC and will be honored to serve the congregation in this position if so elected.

Vice President Ben Blair

Biographical Information:


Treasurer Judy Grigsby 

Biographical Information:

I am a life-long Lutheran — by chance as a child and by choice as an adult. I have served my church in many different capacities over the years, including teaching Sunday School and VBS, serving on the Altar Guild, greeting, being an usher, serving as Youth Director, working in the nursery, being a teller, etc. I attended the University of Nebraska for 2 1/2 years studying accounting and finished my BS in Business Administration at Georgia Southwestern. I’m married (45 years), have two children and four grandchildren, and love my Lord, my church, my family, my friends and my life!

Secretary Margaret Gergely

Biographical Information:

I have been a resident of Columbus, Georgia since June of 2003. I have had a 40+ year career as a Registered Nurse, Family Practice Nurse Practitioner and as a Flight Nurse in the Air Force Reserve. I have held board and council positions in numerous non-profit and religious organizations, including president, vice-president, secretary and volunteer coordinator. Most recently, I was chairperson of the Call Committee here at RLC. I was baptized, raised and confirmed as a Lutheran and am a charter member of Reformation Lutheran Church.


Additional Committees

Fellowship – Alyson Blair

Biographical Information:


Mission and Ministry – 

Biographical Information:


Parish Education  – Gabi Owen

Biographical Information:

I am a life-long Lutheran and a charter member of Reformation Lutheran Church.  I was born in Germany, but have lived in Columbus most of my life. I have a degree in Education and at one point, co-owned and operated a small, private Christian school (Christian School of Hope).  I currently tutor several children in many different subjects.  I have been married to my husband, Keith, for twelve years and have one son, Erik, two bonus daughters and an eight year old grandson. Over the years, I have served in many areas of church life.  Altar Guild, Sunday School teacher/superintendent, Women’s Bible Study leader/participant, Worship Assistant and Secretary are some of the positions I have held.  I would love to continue to serve RLC in the capacity of Council member and liaison for Parish Education, if so elected.

Property – Junior Erickson

Biographical Information:

I am seventy-four years old and born into a Lutheran family in Minnesota. I graduated high school in 1955. After high school, I served in the Army for two years, from 1956 to 1958.  After the Army, I worked various jobs here and there. Then in 1981, I moved my family to California where I was in the swimming pool repair business.  I also worked on repairing buses. During my time in California, I was president of the church council for many years.  In 2009, my wife, Karen, and I moved to Fortson, Georgia to be close to family.  We joined Reformation Church not long after it began in 2010.  Since joining, I have found it a joy to serve and help out in any way needed.  I am currently the Council Liaison for the Property Committee and would be happy to serve another term in that capacity.

Stewardship & Finance – Jim Gergely

Biographical Information:

I was born and raised in Allentown, PA.  After entering the Army as a Dental Officer in 1970, I served at numerous assignments around the world. I was stationed at Ft. Benning in 2003.  After spending twenty-seven years in the Army, I retired from active duty in 2006. I continue to work as a civilian dentist in the Fort Benning Dental Activity. Throughout my career, I attended Protestant services at military chapels.  I am a charter member of Reformation Lutheran Church and will be honored to serve on council if so elected.

Worship & Music – Wayne Ramming

Biographical Information:

I am a lifelong Lutheran and charter member of RLC along with my wife, Carolyn.  Since our founding, I have been involved with the Worship and Music committee, both as chairman and as an involved member.  Over the years, I have served in every council position at various churches I attended.  My job as a Mainframe Application Program Manger with TSYS keeps me busy, but I do enjoy serving my church in different ways. I look forward to the opportunity to serve on council as the liaison to the Worship and Music committee.