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Dear Members, Friends and Visitors to the Reformation Lutheran Church website, we include below a daily video series from a sister congregation in North Carolina and the Rev. Dr. Mark Ryman. We will put a link to the videos on the resource page. Enjoy and Blessings!
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that God loves us, forgives us, and accepts us just as we are. That’s why Jesus suffered, died, and rose again.
We believe in Faith alone, that God gives us trust to accept His gift to us: the gift of blessing. We are not saved by being good, but through faith in Christ alone.
We believe in Scripture alone. It is not what the church says or anyone else. God’s Word, the Scriptures, are the full and final revelation of truth.
- Free in Christ
- Accountable to one another
- Rooted in scripture and the Lutheran Confessions
Member congregations of LCMC work together to fulfill Christ’s Great Commission to go and make disciples of all nations.
Please join us in worshipping and praising our Heavenly Father.
After each Sunday worship
there are snacks and a time of getting to know one another.