Pastor’s Report – Rod Stephenson
The ushers have been recording attendance numbers since July 29th. Based on that information:
- Average Sunday worship = 32
- Highest Sunday worship = 42 (Dec. 16th)
- Lowest Sunday worship = 24 (Oct 21 & Nov 11)
- Non-Sunday worship services
- Christmas Eve = 50
- Average Advent Wed’s services = 17
Participation note: Of all the persons listed on the roster of the congregation, only one has not been in attendance for any worship service during calendar year 2012.
- Baptisms = 7 (two for non-members)
- First Communion Class = 2
- Membership (information per roster supplied)
- At the beginning of 2012 = 33
- New members during 2012 = 15
- Members having left to heaven = 1
Total at the close of 2012 = 47 (membership has increased by 15)
In addition to the worship services since ordination and installation, Pastor has conducted First Communion class, a Wednesday evening study based on Lutheranism 101 (during September / October) and a Sunday morning adult Bible study class (on-going).
Member families have been visited in their homes (or at another location, when that has been the preference of the member). This is an on-going effort, according to the expressed availability on behalf of the members. Communion has been brought to shut-ins (in one case, on a weekly basis). Persons have been visited in the hospital. Our congregation has been blessed with very few required hospitalizations during the year.
One funeral was conducted.
Professional development: As required by the contract with Reformation Lutheran, Pastor has continued pursuit of his degree. Since installation, Pastor has completed five courses. Four remain, in addition to a dissertation. If progress can continue according to plan, it should be possible to begin work on the dissertation during this summer, completing it in 2014.
Pastor has established church office hours between 9:00 and 11:00 AM, Monday through Thursday (in addition to the time spent in study and preparation in his home office). With a very few exceptions, the morning hours at the church have been maintained.
President’s Report – Mel Hanson
What a joyous year this has been. The future of RLC is bright!
In February 2012, at the Annual General Business Meeting, a call committee was elected by the congregation. The purpose of the committee was to locate and issue a contract call for an LCMC full time pastor. By March and April, the interviews were completed and Roderick M. Stephenson accepted the contract call and officially began services on May 13, 2012.
The congregation at the same time approved to relocate to our present location – two dreary, empty bays were transformed within a matter of weeks into a beautiful sanctuary and fellowship hall. This was accomplished through the determined and unfailing hard work of the congregation.
Pastor Stephenson’s ordination service was conducted May 20, 2012 and he was officially installed as pastor of RLC.
Our first full time pastor, a new location, baptisms and welcoming of new members into RLC is AMAZING in this short period of time. Let the light shine on those who are in the dark. Exciting times are ahead for RLC!
My congratulations to the congregation for their accomplishments with the help of the Lord.
“Come and See, Learn and Rejoice, Go and Tell!”
Mission and Ministry (Outreach) – Patricia Ham
The outreach activity has been a very rewarding and uplifting experience for me and all the wonderful ladies and men who contributed their time and money to make this past year, 2012, a great success.
Two of our main missions involve the House of Time and Hope Harbor Battered Women’s Shelter.
Early in the year, Dollar General donated many items which made it possible to help Hope Harbor with “Welcome Bags” filled with items for each child who came to the shelter. It was some small way to help them feel less lost and insecure. We were able to drop off these items along with additional items for the women.
Over Christmas, we were able to deliver much needed pajamas, slippers and robes for the women and children there. We have such a generous group of people in our church!
We started our ministry to the women at the House of Time in February. This is a place for women who are given a chance to get clean from drugs and alcohol and live clean, productive lives. We delivered flower vases with fresh flowers to the women there. It was such a rewarding experience! The women were very surprised and delighted to be thought of.
In the summer, the House of Time was in desperate need of yard work around their property. Many members turned out to trim bushes and trees, rake, sweep, and blow leaves. It was A LOT of sweaty, hard work, but it was fun to work together on such a project
At Christmas, we decorated their front door with wreaths. We also put together little gift bags for the ladies. We have many more projects planned for them in 2013.
There were many other Outreach opportunities that we took advantage of throughout the year. A special on involved donating dressed up teddy bears and other stuffed animals to the children in the Pediatric Ward at the Medical Center. Bringing a smile to the face of a sick child just can’t be beat.
We had a great need for school supplies for the children at Downtown Elementary. We collected enough supplies and money to fill their needs AND carry some over into 2013. The Title I coordinator that we delivered the supplies to at the school was overwhelmed with our generosity.
In October, our Trunk or Treat/Fall Festival was a HUGE success!!! Everyone worked so hard to make this come together and the results were terrific! There were over forty children who came to play games and have fun in a safe and friendly environment.
2012 was a very busy year. We are looking forward to 2013 with an eagerness to continue to spread God’s word and His love throughout the community. With our Lord and Savior by our side, we cannot fail!
It has been a real privilege to be a part of such a wonderful ministry.
Property Report – Junior Erickson
We started in April getting our new location ready for church services. It took a lot of hard work andtime from our members, but we had it ready for our first service on May 6th.
As time went on, we were able to do other things such as making a kitchen from scratch, make a space for children’s Sunday School and putting in wheel chair ramps among other things.
We have made the third Saturday of every month a work day to clean and do whatever comes up around our church home.
I have been involved in church property work for many years, and I can honestly say I have never worked with more dedicated people than the group at RLC! We always have a good turnout for a work day.
I want to say Thank You for all you do, I really appreciate it. When you look at what we started with and where we are now, I think we should be very proud of what we have accomplished. I know I am.
Parish Education – Gabriele Owen (September 2012 – December 2012)
First of all, I want to offer a heartfelt thanks to the wonderful members who stepped up and agreed to teach Sunday school starting in September. Thank you for recognizing how important it is to share God’s word with the youngest of RLC’s members. May you be blessed for offering your time and talents!
The children were so delighted to be part of the service and share the Christmas story with the congregation at their Christmas Program on December 16th. Two Sundays of practice, some creative costuming choices and happy, nervous children made for a wonderful experience!
As we begin 2013, aside from regular Sunday School, we are looking forward to Easter and a fun time of celebration there. Programs are already being studied for possible use in Vacation Bible School. As we continue to grow, there may be opportunities for a true “youth” Bible Study group. There are so many possibilities ahead of us! Thanks be to God for His many blessings, and thanks to all of you for your support!
Worship and Music – Wayne Ramming (September 2012 – December 2012)
The Worship and Music committee is always active choosing music and exploring liturgy options for our services at RLC. Late fall brought Advent services into the picture. Wednesday night Advent services were scheduled and the turn out each week was good. We celebrated the birth of our Savior at a Candlelight Christmas Eve service that was also well attended.
The committee is looking ahead to many exciting things for 2013. The first item on the agenda is Acolyte training. Following shortly after will be Ash Wednesday and Lenten services.
I want to thank all those who volunteer in the many areas of our worship, especially the Altar Guild and ushers. The special music we have at times is very enjoyable and appreciated as well.
The Lord has so richly blessed us here at RLC. We hope our efforts result in a meaningful and enjoyable worship service that brings glory to His name.